6G Class Page
During the autumn term, our topic will be ‘Britain at War.’ We will learn all about the reasons that World War One and Two broke out, which countries were involved and what life was like for the soldiers on the Front Line, women at home, evacuees, The Blitz and how the wars came to an end. We will also study key country leaders involved and how other cultures and religions were affected during this time.

Our Curriculum
It is vitally important to read regularly and in year six we expect children to read at least three times per week and have their planner signed. During lessons we will read numerous texts, take part in class discussions and answer comprehension questions. Some of the class novels include: Stay Where You Are and Then Leave, Skellig, Graveyard Book and Wonder. We read our class novels each and every day and it is always a time that the children look forward to.

Persistence and Perseverance
This is a very important year for all children in year 6. Each year, the children are tested on their SATs which is a recap of all of their learning throughout Key Stage Two. The children are tested on reading, spelling and grammar, arithmetic skills in maths and reasoning abilities. It is important that the children always practise their times tables at home and read at least three times a week to support them further and to help prepare them for May when these exams take place. Results are published in July.
Extra Bits
The Carlton Residential visit takes place each year. The children take part in a range of activities which include: The High Challenge, weaselling, forest adventures, night walks, gullying and archery. We also learn about how to survive in the outdoors, build shelters and about local nature. This is a very exciting time for both the children and staff!
Each week children receive a piece of maths and English homework based on the learning that has taken place this week. The homework is set on a Friday and is expected to be handed in on the following Friday along with the three signatures for reading. Any problems regarding homework please contact a member of staff (6G).