1L Class Page
This autumn our topic will be Toys. In this topic we will look at comparing old and new toys. Thinking about what toys we would play with compared to the toys our grown up would when they were children. In science, we will look at what materials toys are made out of and why. We will then use the material knowledge we have learnt to design and make our own toy box in DT. In English we will be looking at a range of texts linked to toys.
In year 1 the children get two reading books every Monday and they are to be brought into school each day, so we can read with them in their reading groups. The books need to be handed in each Friday. We ask that you read with the children at least 3 times a week and sign in their reading record.
The children who read get to put their names in a jar each day where they will have a chance to win a weekly prize from the lucky dip box. Children who read the most over the half term will get to choose a prize from Mrs Blackham
Extra Bits
Each week the children will receive one piece of phonic homework and a piece of maths homework. The work will be linked to what they have learnt that week in school. In the second half of the Autumn Term, Spring and Summer Terms the children will also be given spellings to learn each week. Homework and spellings are always set on Dojo every Friday and are due in the following Wednesday.