Our Curriculum
It is important to read regularly at home. In Year 3 we like the children to read regularly at home and get their reading records signed. The children can then complete the Accelerated Reader quiz on their book. In lessons, we do whole class reading, where we practise reading with expression and finding answers from the text. We also practise reading between the lines and discuss the author’s choice of language.
Extra Bits
As Year 3 we believe that it is important to know what is going on around the world. Therefore we watch newsround each day and discuss the main stories going on around the world. Click on the link below to watch the latest newsround.
Each week children receive a piece of maths and English homework based on the learning that has taken place this week. The homework is set on a Friday and is expected to be handed in on Wednesday morning. Any problems regarding homework please contact a member of staff (3C).