Special Educational Needs Information
At Mount Pleasant Primary, our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of need or disability. We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.
Through our high quality planning, teaching and provision we:
Pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximized.
Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to enable children to understand the relevance and purpose of learning.
Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils.
Develop children’s independence and life skills.
Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a child-centered approach.
Provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND.
Work in partnership with parents and carers.
Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to hone and develop our provision for children with SEND.
At Mount Pleasant Primary, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child.
At Mount Pleasant Primary, pupils with SEND will:
Be included in all aspects of the school day.
Be provided with quality first teaching, differentiated to their needs.
Be respected and their contributions valued and acknowledged.
At Mount Pleasant Primary, pupils with SEND may:
Have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support their Phonics, Maths or Literacy learning.
Take part in social and emotional support interventions such as ELSA or communication/social skills sessions.
Have additional support from our Home/School Mentors around pastoral needs.
Receive additional support with their speech and language development from a specialist teaching assistant.
Carry out some of their learning in areas designated to support children with high needs.
May access additional 1:1 or group sessions, allowing children extra time for pre-teaching, confidence building and securing new skills.
Work alongside external agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, SCOS (Social Communication Outreach Service) and CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) to develop specific targets/programmes tailored to the child’s individual needs.
As a result:
Children at Mount Pleasant Primary feel happy, safe and respected.
Behaviour at Mount Pleasant Primary is exemplary and diversity is celebrated.
Children demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities, developing their speaking, listening and social skills.
Children with SEND make good progress at Mount Pleasant from their starting points due to the use of resources and small group intervention which meets the needs of the pupils.
On leaving Mount Pleasant Primary, children with SEND have developed good independence and life skills which can be built upon in preparation for adulthood.
Our Social Communication
Provision Brochure
SEND Information
SEND Admission
Equalities at School
We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. Under the general duty of public sector equality duty, in the exercise of our functions, have due regard to the need to:
Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited under the Act.
Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
As part of our public sector equality duty, we formulate, review and publish our school's Equality Policy and Objectives - sharing them with all those connected to our school - in order to ensure that our mission is clear and communicated to all. Our Trust, as our parent organisation, also publishes a Trust wide Equalities information. Please follow link below:
Trust Policies - Equality and Diversity Policy and Objectives
Teaching children about equalities, rights and difference is important to us at Mount Pleasant Primary School. We aim for our children to be 'good people' - and in order to do that, they must be able and willing to recognise, understand and embrace difference. Our PSHE curriculum, encompassing our approach to Relationships and Sex Education, is a key in delivering this mission - as part of our wider ethos and the virtues which we promote. Please follow the following links to see our curriculum information; including our PSHE curriculum and overall curriculum design and ethos and virtues articulation.
"You have the right to special education and care if you have a disability, so that you can live a full life" Article 23
At Mount Pleasant Primary we recognise that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision that will enable them to achieve their potential. We believe in positive intervention, removing barriers to learning, raising expectations and levels of achievement and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all our pupils including those with a special educational need or disability.
Our school recognises there are particular groups of pupils whose circumstances require additional consideration by those who work with them to support their SEND.
At Mount Pleasant Primary we have appointed a Designated Teacher for Looked after Children (Mrs. J Blackham) who works closely with the SENDCO (Mrs Sharon Minikin) to ensure all teachers in school understand the implications for those children who are looked after and have SEND.
At Mount Pleasant Primary we ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs make the best possible progress.
There are now four broad areas of SEND, these are:
Communication and Interaction
This area of need includes children with Autism Spectrum Condition and those with Speech, Language and Communication Needs.
Cognition and Learning
This includes children with Specific Learning Difficulties, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Severe Learning Difficulties and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties.
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
This includes any pupils who have an emotional, social or mental health need that is impacting on their ability to learn.
Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties
This area includes children with hearing impairment, visual impairment, multi-sensory impairment and physical difficulties.