SEND Resources
In this section there are some helpful support materials for different need types. If you have any additional resource ideas, please contact the school SENDCO (Sharon Minikin) and we can add them.
Speech, Language and Communication Needs:
Do2learn- thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioural regulation activities and guidance
Speech and Language kidsú- free Speech Therapy Materials
Colourful Semantics- - a wealth of resources for free to support early language and sentence construction
Communication Trust- links to different resources for parents and schools
Dyslexia and Processing:
SOS spelling- a friendly approach to learning spelling
Timestables- a less demanding ways to learn your times tables
Memory Activities
Live well- resources for parents and families
National Autistic Society- latest guidance, updates and resources on coronavirus for people and their families
Sensory Needs:
Empowering Little Minds- free sensory planning with multisensory activities and messy play
Sensory at Home - an online community via Facebook
Meeting Sensory Needs- information about how our senses to process everything in the world around us
Sensory Activity Cards- range of sensory activities
Sensory Break Dice- roll a brain break game
Social Emotional and Mental Health:
CAMHS- a range of resources to support your mental health and wellbeing
Self Care Strategies- a selection of self-care strategies
Calm Zone- a toolbox of activities such as breathing exercises, coping videos and games that can help children feel calm
Best Wellbeing Apps for Children- find ideas for well being apps
Children and Young People’s Mental Health- Information about Mental Health in children
Fine and Gross Motor Skills:
Dough Disco- great for fine motor skills
BBC Dancemat- helps you with typing skills
Fine Motor Skills Challenge Cards- game to develop fine motor skills
Gross Motor Challenge- game to develop gross motor skills
Pencil Control skills- a range of pen control activities
Playdough skills- playdough activities to develop fine motor skills
Scissor Skills- scissor activities to develop fine motor skills
Sentence Ordering- sentence activities to develop fine motor skills
Threading skills- threading activities to develop fine motor skills