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"Welcome to our School Council! Let's start off by introducing the new team. The chair of school council is Anisah, followed by Nathan as Vice Chairperson. The charity that we are currently sponsoring is Little Treasures who support autistic adults and children right across the North East. If you need any information or have a problem please ask our School Councillors"
School Councillors Anisah and Nathan.
"You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously." Article 12




School Council


It is our job as School Council to take other pupils' suggestions to our regular meetings, discuss them with our Headteacher and decide if we can help.


This year our chosen charity is Little Treasures, who support autistic adults and children right across the North East. They aim to relieve the needs of autistic adults, children, young people and their parents, carers and siblings by providing facilities for play and recreation in the interests of social welfare in a safe and secure environment, and by providing support and practical advice to parents and carers.


School Council Members 2023/24


Anisah (Y6) Chairperson

Nathan  (Y6)  Vice Chairperson

Olivia (Y5)

Poppy (Y5)

Olivia  (Y4)

George (Y4)

Jack (Y3)

Olivia (Y3)

Frankie (Y2)

Naomi (Y2)

Jack (Y1)

Kara (Y1)

Mr Dyer (Teacher)

School Council 2022/23

School Charity - The Headlight project


Actions - 

  • Raise awareness of mental health 

  • Continue to raise money for school charity

  • We will take part in the annual awareness campaign known as ‘Blue Monday where we give people a reason to smile.


School Council 2021/22

School Charity - Little Treasures


Actions - 

  • Raise awareness of mental health 

  • Continue to raise money for school charity

  • Set up great summer fair including  a range of activities and prizes


School Council 2020/21

School Charity - Help For Heroes


Actions completed - 

  • Raised awareness of mental health across the year including mental health week. 

  • Continued to raise money for school charity


School Council 2019/20

School Charity - Help For Heroes


Actions completed - 

  • Raised awareness of mental health across the year including mental health week. 

  • Continued to raise money for school charity

  • Summer fair cancelled due to Covid-19



Date: 21/05/24


Present: Jack, Poppy, Olivia, Olivia, Olivia, Frankie, George, Kara, Jack, Naomi, Anisah, Nathan and Mr Dyer




  1. Next week is the Gold Visit for rights respecting – CD and RRA to set up

  2. Remind children about the first bell at 1:10pm is the time for toilets and water.



1)  School council to use children’s previous work and define dignity.


““Dignity is about respecting and caring for yourself. Having pride and honour in what you do in life.” School Council.”


Next Meeting: 04/06/23

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