Rights Respecting Schools Award
About us
Over the past few years, Mount Pleasant Primary School has been transformed into a place where each child feels safe, nurtured, valued and heard. This was due to our work becoming a Rights Respecting School where the UN Convention on the Rights of Child (CRC) became a strong thread that runs throughout the whole of school life, inspiring children to be aware that they have rights and become active local and global citizens. As a result, we achieved the Rights Respecting Silver Award and an outstanding achievement PSHE quality mark award. But more importantly, each child was able to thrive in a supportive school environment and understand their roles as good citizens.
Article of the Week - Article 5

How many articles are you familiar with?
Our Vision
"We believe that having a rights respecting ethos helps children to understand respect for themselves, others and the world around them. We want children to know their rights and feel empowered to make a difference to their local community and the wider world. We want our children to know and understand that their rights gives them a voice and they are the lead in making decisions around school life. Children are enabled to use their rights and global goals to help promote our school vision and values of the six virtues, that underpin our curriculum. We embed these values into daily school life which gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens. We are dedicated to promoting the rights of every child and enable every child to have a voice."
"Everyone under 18 has these rights." Article 1 "children have these rights." Article 2
What is it all about?
"The UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) supports schools across the UK to embed children's human rights in their ethos and culture. The award recognises achievement in putting the UN Convention on the right of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school's practice to improve well-being and help all children realise their potential. The award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. The initiative started in 2006 and schools involved in the award have reported a positive impact on relationships and well-being, leading to better learning and behaviour, improved academic standards and less bullying."
What are Right Holders and Duty Bearers?
The The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) applies to all children and they are Rights Holders. They have the rights!
Duty Bearers are accountable for ensuring that children experience their rights.
Please have a look at some of the Duty Bearers that ensure the children experience and have access to their rights.

Whats going on?
Dignity Assembly
During June, Mr Dyer did an assembly about the term 'dignity'. Our children looked the what dignity is and what it means to them. We looked at a few examples and talked about real life situations where people should respect each other dignity and worth. Children were able to directly link dignity to each of our virtues. School Council with peers to help to write what dignity means at Mount Pleasant.

Meet the Rights Respecting Team
In School we have a 'Rights Respecting Team' who help support children to learn about their rights and promote our vision around school. After our national lockdowns, we revised our approach. Please meet our team:
Cadence (Y6)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Iffat (Y6)
Term of office: May 2023 until July 2023
Isla (Y6)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Olivia (Y5)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Blessing (Y5)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Kia-Mae (Y5)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Ebe (Y4)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Harry (Y3)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Naomi (Y2)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Joshua (Y2)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2023
Mrs Watson
Term of office: May 2021 until May 2024
Mr Dyer
Term of office: May 2021 until May 2024
Mrs West (Gov)
Term of office: July 2021 until July 2024
Rights Respecting Team Meeting
Date: 20.06.2023
Present: Cady, Iffat, Isla, Olivia, Blessing, Kia-Mae, Ebe, Harry, Naomi, Joshua, Mrs Watson, Mr Dyer
- Article of the Week – 10
- Remind children about the quality of conversation poster to use when debating.
- We looked at the PowerPoint of evidence for the Gold Award. Children added some extra comments and made suggestions about the remaining outcomes. We went through our action plan to ensure will covered all the areas that we said we were.
- Mr Dyer and Mrs Blackham to complete gold evaluation form and submit all documents.
Next Meeting: 28.06.23
Rights in Action

Pupils Questionnaire Results

Overall, nearly all areas have shown an improvement which shows our pupil-led RRSA Steering Group are working very hard to raise awareness of children’s rights in and out of school. The Rights Respecting Lead has followed the Action plan (for gold) and it is clear that the implementation of some areas highlighted in the action plan has increased the RRSA Outcomes in your school.