Pupil Voice
At Mount Pleasant Primary School we value all members. Pupil voice is vital in creating a shared responsibility and vision for the school. There are lots of opportunities for children to become involved in the decisions that effect them, their school and their learning. We aim to inspire children to take a leading role. We encourage debate, democracy and promote British Values.

What we think about our school:
I like painting and play dough.
I have fun with my friends and we are all positive.
Tia, Y1
If people have a worry they can get the red cushion and someone will help.
The topics and the lessons are really good
Rights Respecting Club is good - we have lunch together and talk about the articles.
Laila, Y2
Rights Respecting Club is good - we have lunch together and talk about the articles.
I feel safe in school, everyone is kind
Aaron, Y3
I enjoy coming to school as I feel safe here.
Learning is fun here.
McKenzie, Y5
Learning is fun here.
All teaching staff support me to be successful in life.
Dillon, Y6
I like how people listen if you feel sad. They care about our feelings.
I like how people listen if you feel sad. They care about our feelings.
I get a good education like Article 28.
School Council
It is our job as School Council to take other pupils' suggestions to our regular meetings, discuss them with our Head Teacher and decide if we can help. So far we have been able to use suggestions to have new playground equipment, adopt the British Heart Foundation as our chosen charity, and improve our attendance and behaviour rewards. We are currently working with the local community partnership to look after the local area and are busy organising a litter pick.
Playground Buddies
Mount Pleasant Primary School operates a Playground Buddy Scheme. Buddies consist of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils who have been trained by Mrs Shaw (Behaviour Support) in school to offer support and guidance to pupils at lunchtime. Buddies work in pairs following a weekly rota and can be identified by their 'Buddy' Jackets worn when on duty.
What is the role of a Playground Buddy?
Buddies will be on hand to help pupils who have fallen over, sort out minor playground disagreements fairly, instigate suitable age appropriate games, encourage shy children to join in or simply keep them company, information staff when there are problems and setting a good example by caring for others.
The benefits of the Playground Budddy Scheme are:
To encourage children to take responsibility
To actively care for and look out for others
To try and ensure that all children are free from lonliness or isolation
To encourage children to form a variety of friendships with both older and younger pupils
To encourage participation in a variety of traditional and modern playtime games and activities
To encourage high levels of self esteem and confidence in all our pupils as valued members of our school community

We have organised a group of our children to help with tidying the library and Accelerated Reading books. Their curies include shelving books and to help other children find what they are looking for. This helps to develop a sense of responsibility, achievement and self-esteem in the children.
Junior Road Safety Officers
At Mount Pleasant we have selected three Year 5 children to represent the school as Junior Road Safety Officers. The children are selected after submitting an application form, Mr Swan then has a tough decision to decide the officers as all applications are great! They will take up this post for 2 years and help Mr Swan with many different roles and responsibilities that will not affect only the school but also the local community.
These include:
Meet with Mr Swan to discuss any ongoing issues around road safety
Plan and deliver PowerPoint presentations to the whole school and individual classes
Meet with representatives from the local community to discuss any ongoing issues and concerns around road safety
Be a fantastic role model demonstrating outstanding levels of road safety, when on school visits and also out of school hours
Design and lead campaigns and competitions to maintain and improve high standards of road safety for all children at Mount Pleasant
Digital Leaders
At Mount Pleasant Primary School, children use lots of different technologies such as mobile phones, games consoles and the internet on a daily basis to develop and enrich their learning to ensure they reach their full learning potential. This level of technology and the ways in which we can communicate are beneficial to all, but in today's society can occasionally place children, young people and adults in danger if they are not managed appropriately. Therefore we have recruited a team of digital leaders to help promote the use of digital learning within our school. The digital leaders' aims are to help promote the use of digital devices to develop children's learning as well as educating their peers, parents and teachers about staying safe online.
Roles and Responsibilities
We currently have four digital leaders in Mount Pleasant Primary School. Their roles and responsibilities:
Test new ICT resources which could be websites, software or hardware.
Share their skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
Set up ICT equipment in classrooms for teachers.
To help updates areas of the school website.
Lead ICT lunchtime or after school clubs.
Help to maintain our devices including keeping them charged, tidy and running smoothly.
Go on computing learning walks to see what's going on across the school, taking photos to upload onto our website.
Act as e-safety ambassadors.
Report to Mrs Blackham, Mrs Watson or Mr Dyer about how technologies are being used in school.
Report to Mrs Blackham, Mrs Watson or Mr Dyer about any e-safety concerns pupils may have.